O arwain fi trwy'r anial le

(Dymuniad y pererinion ar eu taith)
O arwain fi trwy'r anial le,
A thyn fi'n ebrwydd tua thre';
  I weled gwedd
      f'anwylyd gwiw,
  Mor hoff ei lais,
      mor hardd ei liw.

Mi dro fy nghefen cyn b'o hir,
Ar bob peth yn yr anial dir;
  Cael Iesu'n ffrynd
      fydd well pryd hyn,
  Na holl drysorau bro a bryn.

Ei 'nabod Ef, fydd ddigon im',
Yn ngwyneb angau du a'i rym;
  Cael golwg ar ei
      siriol wedd,
  A rydd im' gongcwest ar y bedd.
Caniadau Bethel (Cas. Evan Edwards) 1840

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Bum heddyw gyd a'th bobl gu

(The wish of the pilgrims on their journey)
O lead me through the desert place,
And draw me quickly towards home;
  To see the countenance
      of my worthy beloved,
  So lovely his voice,
      so beautiful his appearance.

I shall turn my back before long,
On every thing in the desert land;
  To get Jesus as a friend
      shall be better then,
  Than all the treasures of vale and hill.

No know Him, shall be sufficient for me,
In the face of black death and its force;
  To get a sight of his
      cheerful countenance,
  Shall give me victory over the grave.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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